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Who actually read your email? - 8 Mar, 2013
Just because someone opened your email doesn’t mean they read it. We can break down your open rate to tell you how many people deleted your email, compared to how many read it.
As a dedicated mechanism, we can check out the open reate and deleted rate of your email campaign effectively.
How are engagement metrics defined?
In our reports, it shows you how long your subscribers were engaged with your message. This is sometimes also known as the read rate. Since we’re measuring how long the recipient had the email open, we report this back in three categories:
Read: 10 or more seconds
Skimmed: 2 or more seconds, but less than 10 seconds
Glanced / Deleted: less than 2 seconds
On average, 47% of openers read or skim read emails.
The benefits
We don't have a lot of ways to measure how people interact with our emails. We can look at clicks and the much-discussed open rate, but that's about it. That kind of information would let you build and design better and more robust emails. And help measure how successful you are in engaging your readership, which in turn provides clues on how to improve that engagement.
The overall engagement data is like a more accurate (though still not perfect) version of an open rate in terms of telling you how much attention your email is really getting.
You can see immediately if you have an engagement problem, and clever use of code supplied could, for example, let you compare engagement between particular segments of your list.
Engagement metrics
The numbers can also help you understand the factors behind click patterns. Consider two emails that get the same clicks and opens. Engagement numbers help you understand, for example, that one has a good call to action, but fails to draw the reader into the email proper to see that CTA, while the other is read more thoroughly, but has a weak CTA.
In essence it gives us intelligence on a part of the conversion chain that used to be a mystery: the "read" part of the open - read - click - convert chain of action. And, of course, you can compare numbers between emails to pull out patterns on what's working (and what isn't).
Our conclusion
Engagement numbers for specific clients also alert you to problems you might not otherwise know about. In conclusion, those using mobile devices would seem to give your emails more attention than those using desktop or webmail applications.
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