The Hong Kong Arts Centre and Surfman have been worked closely together for three years in the areas of website maintenance and email mass sending...
The Hong Kong Arts Centre and Surfman have been worked closely together for three years in the areas of website maintenance and email mass sending. Throughout their service period, they have been consistently proving themselves to be a reliable and trustworthy working partner with the knowhow and skill set, always addressing our requests in a timely and professional manner with effective and feasible solutions.
We are more than happy to recommend Surfman and its team to any Company which is planning to adopt a one-to-one creative marketing firm. Their ready-to-help attitude and innovative technology will not let you down.
Video in Email - 1 June, 2012
Tips to the smart marketers
With over 4 billion videos viewed per day and 100 million people liked/ shared/ commented on YouTube
every week, there is no reason for e-marketers not to take advantage or reap the benefits of utilizing video
in email.
Despite the clear benefits, e-marketers should also be aware of the following:
What if the video does not play?
- HTML5 provides a plan B for you: its ability to set a fallback image that will show up in case the video cannot be loaded in the email. With this preview image, readers can link to external browser to view the video.
- This video playback testing in email has been tested and proved by Surfman across a range of browsers including: Chrome/ Firefox/ Internet Explorer 9/ iPhone/ iPad/ MAC.
How many recipients of my list are able to see video in the email?
- Depending on which type of browser your audience is using and the compatibility with the Video Email Express embed code. Text email tool such as Lotus notes does not support video in email.
- Surfman can help you track down the number of viewed email campaign – same way as we have always been doing.